Gelmicin - The Original Cream

Cellet Wholesale

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Mechanism of Action The excellent and effective combination of actions Antipruríticas, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor, together with the antifungal effect of broad spectrum, is what makes this topic is so recommended and so effective at the time of attacking any condition that presents the dermis or skin
The Gelmicin Cream works primarily to counteract those skin conditions such as minor cuts, Burns, some as a result of friction, and sunburn caused by the sun. It is also reliably indicated for the treatment and prevention of Diaper rash Or those eruptions that occur from rubbing with the urine and diaper in babies.

  • What is the Gelmicin Cream? It is a component of topical use, which has an active ingredient that incorporates ingredients such as gentamicin, Betamethasone and clotrimazole, which effectively act as recuperators of the epidermis, mostly affected in cases of irritation such as anti-inflammatory and Antibacterial.

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