RA600 Cellet RA600 25mm / 1 inch Ball Base for Industry Standard Dual Ball Socket Mounting Arms, (4 Screw Mount)


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Cellet  RA600 25mm / 1 inch Ball Base for Industry Standard Dual Ball Socket Mounting Arms,25mm 

  • This Cellet Ball Mount, 25mm / 1-inch / B size Ball Base Plate is made out of a sturdy composite material and is compatible with all industry standard 1 inch / 25 mm mounting arms. Ball joints are coated in a rubber material.
  • COMPATIBILITY: Commonly used, and compatible with Ball Mount 1 inch ball arm, and other industry standard 25mm / 1 inch dual ball mounts / arms. Use with any other 1-inch / 25mm / B size industry standard compatible mount.
  • FEATURES: a 30mmx38 mm industry standard 4 hole pattern that will work with all industry standard 1 inch ball base plates and vehicle specific mounts.
  • INCLUDES: 25mm / 1-inch Composite ball base adapter plate, a set of 4 screws.
  • Compatible phone models: Any ball mount arm with 25 mm ball or 1 inch ball arm
    SKU RA600
    UPC 800768726408
    BIN 0774_03

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